You will need a stake and two horseshoes for each player. Players stand back and throw their horseshoe at the stake. They are trying to get a "ringer". This means, their horseshoe is hooked around the stake.
Players get 3 points for a ringer. If both players score a ringer, they cancel each other out. 1 point is awarded for the horseshoe closest to the stake. The most points a player can get in a turn is 6. That would be two ringers with the other player getting none. The first to reach 21 points, wins.
Example of scoring:
Player 1: Two ringers. Player 2: Two ringers. = Nobody gets any points.
Player 1: Two ringers. Player 2: One ringer. = Player 1 gets 3 points.
Player 1: One ringer and second horseshoe is closet to the stake. Player 2: One ringer and second horseshoe is farthest from the stake. = Player 1 gets 1 point. (Ringers cancel each other out.)
Player 1: No ringer and one of their horseshoes is closest to the stake. Player 2: No ringer and horseshoes are farthest from the stake. = Player 1 gets 1 point.
*Note: Only 1 point is awarded per turn for a horseshoe closest to the stake. For example, neither player got a ringer and say player 1 had both horseshoes closer to the stake than the other player, they still only get 1 point that turn.
Make it a family activity: Break into teams and have fun!
This activity promotes physical activity.