
#164: Make a Birdhouse

To make a birdhouse, you will need some building supplies. You can find these at a hardware store. Sometimes hardware stores also have birdhouse kits that include all the pieces you need to make a birdhouse--already cut--along with instructions.

If you are feeling creative and want to build a birdhouse without a kit, you can create your own birdhouse plans or use the ones on this free website.

When placing your birdhouse, try and find a place where cats won't pester the birds. Birds prefer to build their nests in areas that are not really busy. That means a quieter corner of your yard is better than a place where you walk by a lot. As well, make sure the birdhouse is secured to the place you choose to hang it so a strong wind doesn't knock it down.

I hope the birds enjoy your birdhouse for many years to come.

Make this a family activity: Have the whole family work together to select the birdhouse plan, build the birdhouse as well as find a good location for the birdhouse.

This activity promotes construction skills as well as caring for the Earth's creatures.

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