
#143: Learn to Play an Instrument

Do you know how to play an instrument? Think what instrument you might be able to use. Maybe your family already has a piano or guitar? Maybe some maracas? See what sounds you can make.

You can teach yourself how to play by using guides found in music stores, the library, or online. Or if you can find someone willing to teach you the instrument, even better!

Can you play a song? Make up your own?

Do you already play a musical instrument? If so, learn how to play a new one.


Make this a family activity: Everyone picks an instrument to learn. Maybe you can all learn to play the same song and make a family band!

This activity promotes musical awareness and musical skills.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyment is the very best thing that playing music do. We must enjoy every time we play a music with our favorite instrument. But there are some people having a difficulty in playing and learning these music instrument.

    You can also try what I did, I used music books for my lessons and music instructional dvd.


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