
#318: Give Something Away

Find something you do not use anymore or something that doesn’t fit. You might find one item or you might find a whole box!

Hint: Check with your parents before you give it away.

What do you do with the things you want to give away? Check the phone book to see if there are charities in your area who can take the gently used items to resell. The money they get, they use to help people in need. Sometimes, charities run second hand stores where you can drop off the items, some have bins around town, and others will come and pick the items up if you give them a call.

Or maybe you know someone in need who can use the item you want to give away. Or maybe you simply have a cousin or friend who is smaller than you and would love that sweater you've outgrown.

Make this a family activity: Clear out the closets! Everyone has to fill a bag.

This activity promotes tidying skills and sharing.

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