
#397: Colour Easter Eggs

This is a safe and easy way to colour eggs for Easter.

To colour Easter eggs you will need: Hardboiled eggs (cooked in their shells), crepe paper (you can rip up party streams), water, and papertowel.

Take small pieces of crepe paper and wet them. Lay them over the egg until the egg is coloured. Set the egg on the papertowel to dry. Once the crepe paper is dried, peel it off. Some of the colour should have stayed behind to decorate the egg.

P.S. If you keep the eggs cool, you can eat them afterwards!

Make this a family activity: Get everyone together to make eggs.

This activity promotes creativity and colour awareness.


  1. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Thanks for the info. Really, I'm going to eat these easter eggs if I can get hands on them.

  2. Ooh, that's a great idea! I am going to put that on the to do list for easter, the kids are going to love this! YAY

  3. These eggs are so easy--fun too!


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